**The post below contains affiliate links to purchase the recommended books. I get a small commission for any purchases generated from my links. However, you can rest assured that I would never recommend an item that I did not have personal experience with or own myself.**
Want to get organized but don’t know where to start?
Do you need some inspiration to get you on the path to creating the home you’ve always wanted?
I’ve come up with a list of 5 must reads for those seeking to better their home environment. Remember as you read that each author has her own ideas on how to organize but ultimately, you have to do what’s right for YOU. We don’t need perfection, we need progress. Move forward with the advice that works for you and leave the rest behind.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
By Marie Kondo

By now, I feel like everyone has heard of Marie Kondo and her KonMari method. For those who haven’t, she is the woman who revolutionized the relationship we have with our possessions by suggesting we keep only those items that ‘spark joy’ in our lives. This minimalist way of living really spoke to me at the start of my journey with organizing. I feel this book is a must read for those wishing to pare down and live a simpler, less cluttered life.
Key points: Minimalist living, everything has a place, keep only things that spark joy in your life.
My main takeaway: I loved this book because I felt like it gave me permission to get rid of the things I was hanging on to because they were still in good condition, and I knew someone could use them. Ms. Kondo suggests we ‘thank the item’ for its service and gently remove it from our lives.
You can purchase this book through my link here.
Outer Order / Inner Calm
Gretchen Rubin

This may be the first time I’m mentioning Gretchen Rubin to you, but it will most certainly not be the last. I LOVE her and her functional advice. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to get organized. Each page is brimming with sensible advice and practical ideas to help even the most disorganized person get their act together. It’s an easy read, written in a friendly and relatable manner.
Key Points: Each page of this book contains simple strategies to employ while getting your home in order. It includes things such as making your bed every day, doing a 10-minute cleanup in the morning or at night, giving items a home and more.
My Main Takeaway: Outer order really does contribute to inner calm. When your living space is clutter free and clean, you can think more clearly and cut down on stress.
You can purchase this book through my link here.
How to Keep House While Drowning
K.C. Davis

This quick, easy read addresses the deeper issues that prevent people from being able to keep up with their home such as trauma, ADD/ADHD, post-partum depression and other medical diagnoses. You don’t need to have had experience with those things to get something out of this book–everyone can benefit from the gentile, functional advice given on each page.
Key Points: Ms. Davis makes the point that care tasks are morally neutral. You are not a fundamentally bad person if you are too sick or depressed to clean your home. There are serious health issues that can prevent people from being able to maintain their homes. Her advice takes that into account and reserves the judgement.
My Main Takeaway: You don’t exist to serve your space; your space exists to serve you. Powerful words from the author to help reframe your housekeeping struggles.
You can purchase this book through my link here.
Fair Play
Eve Rodsky

Ahhh…this book! Now, I know it’s not about organization per se, but it’s a MUST read for anyone who wants to have a harmonious split of household duties between partners. Once that’s all sorted out, maybe you’ll spend time organizing your stuff after you’re all done enjoying your Unicorn Time (read book to understand reference).
Key Points: This book examines the disparity between partners when it comes to housework and child-rearing. Ms. Rodsky’s simple Fair Play method has couples communicating about the household responsibilities and dividing them equitably so as no one person is the ‘default parent’.
My Main Takeaway: This is a brilliant book that should be given to every couple before they get married, co-habitate or have children.
You can purchase this book through my link here.
Organizing Plain & Simple
Donna Smallin

This book has it all. A simple, straightforward guide with comprehensive and timeless advice. I’m going old-school with this one (it was published in 2002) but the information still holds true. Not only does it give room-by-room clutter taming solutions, but it also delves into organizing finances, time, home life and more. If you are a person who appreciates step-by-step advice, this one is for you!
Key Points: This book is a methodical and practical guide for organizing every facet of your life. It is a thorough manual for every type of organization you can imagine. First you examine your motivations for getting organized and then you dive into whichever part speaks to you.
My Main Takeaway: Total life organization is possible with a plan, the time and the willpower.
You can purchase this book through my link here.
I hope this helps! I’d love to hear your comments on any of the books mentioned above OR some recommendations of books that aren’t on the list you think my readers might like! Happy reading!
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